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Friday, February 2, 2018

紅包配飾 【Ang pao / hong bao / red envelope / red packet as accessories】 - TS3

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一年前我上傳了這個套的紅包配飾CC在POSE分類。 目前,把這個CC移到配飾分類。 鷄年的紅包, 但是仍然可以用的。 這個套的紅包設計是我的現實生活收藏品的。春節快樂!

孩子 ~ 長者

用於POSE: 春節POSE包含紅包配飾

I uploaded this set of ang pao (as accessories CC) one year ago in pose category. Now, I moved this CC set to Accessories category. Year of Rooster ang pao, but still usable. I have this set of ang pao designs in real life as collection. Happy Chinese New Year!

Children to Elder
Big size and small size
Each set has 6 design presets.

For Pose: Chinese New Year pose with angpao