The Bleeding Woodland

The Sims 3 & 4 Downloads... just scroll down to see more.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Gore Collection 2020 - TS3



Mesh all by me
  • Tentacle In Jar  | Presets: 2 (Non-Bloody & Bloody), Recolorable 2 channels (Jar lid & Tentacle) | Price: 28 | Poly Counts: 2,130 vertices, 3,630 faces
  • Brain / Intestine In Tray | Presets: 2  (Non-Bloody & Bloody), Non-recolorable | Price: 25 | Poly Counts: 901 vertices, 986 faces
  • Cutted Hand (Up) | Presets: 3 (NoGore, SoftGore, RealGore),  Non-recolorable | Price: 1 | Poly Counts: 1,079 vertices, 3,518 faces
  • Cutted Hand (Down)  | Presets: 3 (NoGore, SoftGore, RealGore),  Non-recolorable | Price: 1 | Poly Counts: 1,079 vertices, 3,518 faces
Category: Decor > Miscellaneous

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Blood Type Jar Lamp - TS3

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What is your Blood Type? There’s a belief that blood type can reveal personalities, just like zodiac. 

You can keep the jar as ordinary decoration (light off) and lamp (light on). 

Mesh by me


Preset: 4

Recolourable: 2 channels (Jar lid & blood) 

Category: Decor > Miscellaneous

Price: 425

Poly Counts: 825 vertices, 1,240 faces

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Vampires Will Never Hurt You - Pose Pack - TS3

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Edited cover picture was from year 2018, poses had clipping at that time. In year 2020, I fixed the clipping for public download. 

In my story, to convert someone to become vampire, the person must drink vampire’s blood first. 

2 Versions, slim and fat. Fat version is the alternative version, has the same poses but loose at the hands position, for fat female Sim or thick clothing. Pose list compatible. 

Pose codes:

  • a_tbw_vampiresneverhurt_slim_m
  • a_tbw_vampiresneverhurt_slim_f 
  • a_tbw_vampiresneverhurt_fat_m
  • a_tbw_vampiresneverhurt_fat_f 

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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Indonesian Food Deco CC Pack (Nasi Goreng, Rendang, Sate) - TS4

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❖ Nasi Goreng

❖ Rendang

❖ Sate

Nasi Goreng, Rendang, and Sate have been nominated in World's Best 50 Foods by CNN (year 2017)  
Sate #14, Nasi Goreng #2, Rendang #1.  

1. Nasi Goreng, literally means “fried rice” is stir-fried rice cooked with sweet soy sauce. 
2. Rendang is well-done beef cooked in coconut milk and spices.  
3. Sate (Satay) is skewered grilled meat, served in sweet soy sauce or peanut sauce. 

Mesh by me, converted by me. 
Category: Decoration > Miscellaneous

  • Swatches: 1
  • Price: $5
  • Poly Counts:  Nasi Goreng (vertices: 1014, polygons: 1528), Rendang (vertices: 1255, polygons: 1690), Sate (vertices: 1654, polygons: 2246)

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