Ryuuki, Chieko, and Tetsuya rented villa in secluded area of village. When they were inside the villa, they found something surprising...
Usage of poses in story:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Horror poses / Running Poses / Shocked poses / Frightened poses / Scary poses / Children poses / Ghost poses / Supernatural poses / Facial Expression poses / Screaming poses / Walking poses / Talking poses / Conversation poses / Sadako / 山村貞子 / やまむらさだこ / The Ring / リング
43 Poses. Pose List Compatible. Just look at the pictures to see the Pose Codes.
If your Pose Player list running slowly, recommended to type Pose Codes on Pose Player name, rather than using pose list due to very long list of poses.
NOTE: Most of the poses are not snap in group poses! Adjust the poses by holding ALT Button.
Accessories & Object Prop:
Flashlight accessories [back]: DOWNLOAD PAGE
Concrete Well: DOWNLOAD PAGE
!! Updated (7/1/2018) !!
Fixed thumbnails on Pose List that overlapping each other with my other Poses due to thumbnail image naming.
The newest update has 2 separate Pose List packages
If you had downloaded this poses before, DELETE the old file first to avoid conflict. Old file (BloodyScholastic_TheBleedingWoodland_!!!_PosePack ) then you can replace/install as usual.
These are great poses, they will definitely come in handy for my horror story! Thank you for all the hard work you put into them! :)